Re-Visiting the Role of Intra-Partum Cardio-Tocography (I-P CTG) In Cerebral Palsy Jurisprudence: Time to Take Cognizance _Crimson Publishers

Both clinical obstetrics as well the relevant medico-legal litigation were severely led down by false scientific conclusions emanating from the USA in the 1960's. The false assumptions considered birth asphyxia as the predominant cause of newborn Cerebral Palsy and proclaimed the just introduced fetal cardio-tocography (CTG), as the great saviour from CP through the detection of intra-partum hypoxia. Although today, fifity odd years later, science that neither conclusion is correct, CTG has retained its misplaced strength in CP litigation. Not only does it still hold much pre-eminence in both UK and US jurisprudence, but sometimes, it constitutes the sole basis of discussion.

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